Chapter Roles & Responsibilities
Board of Directors (11)
- Chapter Representative
- Director-At-Large (2)
- Parliamentarian / Past-President
- President
- President-Elect
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Vice President
- International People’s Project Chair
- Junior Counselor Chair
- Local Interchange Chair
- Mosaic Chair
- Seminar Camp Chair
- Step Up Chair
- Village Chair
- Youth Meeting Chair
Standing Committees
- Community Service Liaison
- Database Coordinator
- Delegation Liaison / Mentor
- Fundraising Chair
- Fundraising Chair – Corporate / Grant Writing
- Insurance Chair
- Local Leadership Training Chair
- Membership Chair
- Newsletter Chair
- Program Planner
- Public Relations
- Recruitment Chair
- Risk Manager
- Scholarship Chair
- Selection Chair – Leaders
- Selection Chair – Participants
- Store / Merchandise
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Webmaster
Special Committees
- Alumni Relations Representative
- Archives Chair
Junior Branch
- Advisor
- Age-Group Representative 11-13
- Age-Group Representative 14-16
- Age-Group Representative 17-19
- Age-Group Representative 20-25
- Junior Local Junior Representative (JLJR or Jelly Jar)
- Liaison
- Local Junior Representative (LJR, formerly JB President)
- Merchandise (Swag) Chair
- Secretary
- Social Media Chair
- Treasurer
- Youth Representative(s)
Director at Large / Board of Directors
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati if possible.
- Attend all Chapter board meetings.
- Attend spring and fall general meetings, and assist as needed.
- Become familiar with all aspects of CISV and be an ambassador for CISV. Get to know as many CISV families as possible. Actively recruit new families to join CISV.
- Encourage and solicit financial support for programs hosted by your Chapter.
- Practice confidentiality regarding sensitive issues.
- Maintain an appropriate level of communication with the membership via phone calls, emails, newsletter contributions, etc.
- Support CISV activities, board projects and events by attending, helping organize, etc.
- Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank you notes, notes of recognition, and sympathy cards.
Chapter Representative / Board of Directors
- Attend all local Chapter & board meetings.
- Serve as a member of the local Chapter executive board.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion as the local Chapter’s official representative. Vote on the Board of Directors slate of officers. Represent Chapter interests to the Board of Directors.
- Prepare for and represent the Chapter during the Football Pool at the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion.
- Report back to the local Chapter on National and International issues.
- In conjunction with the Chapter President, monitor the Chapter’s invitations. Ensure that invitations that cannot be filled are returned before deadlines. Monitor the Chapter’s requests to the National Office for additional invitations.
- Become familiar with all aspects of CISV and be an ambassador for CISV. Get to know as many CISV families as possible. Actively recruit new families to join CISV.
- Recruit and mentor prospective Board members.
- Support Board projects and events by attending, helping organize, etc.
- Encourage and solicit financial support for programs hosted by the Chapter.
- Sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Practice confidentiality regarding sensitive issues.
Parliamentarian (Past-President) / Board of Directors
- The Parliamentarian is a past president (usually the immediate past president).
- Encourage members to attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati. Attend yourself if possible.
- Attend as many Chapter board meetings and Chapter events as possible. Assist the president with parliamentary procedures. Offer guidance as requested.
- Review current bylaws to see if updating is needed. Work on this throughout the year.
- Convene a nominating committee and act as chair of the committee. Present a slate of officers for election per Chapter bylaws.
President / Board of Directors
- Preside over all meetings of the board and executive committee. Set the agenda for each board and executive committee meeting and send out notices of the meetings in advance, with a copy of the agenda.
- Ensure that the board and committees run efficiently and effectively, and that they have the resources to do so. The president also has the authority to delegate duties and responsibilities to other board members and committee chairpersons.
- Appoint the committee chairs and other committee members, subject to approval of the board.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati.
- In conjunction with the Chapter Representative, monitor the Chapter’s invitations. Ensure that invitations that cannot be filled are returned before deadlines. Monitor the Chapter’s requests to the National Office for additional invitations.
- Attend your region’s Chapter Development Regional Workshop.
- Preside over spring and fall general meetings, and set the agenda for the meetings.
- Prepare a calendar for the year, including dates for board meetings, general meetings, fundraisers, Chapter events, and programs hosted by the Chapter.
- Assist the treasurer and the finance committee in the preparation of the annual Chapter budget. Make recommendations regarding program fees.
- Ensure that all Chapter reports and Google Notice of Selection forms are submitted on time to the National Office.
- Create a communications plan for the Chapter and communicate regularly with the Chapter membership via email, website and newsletters. Monitor the Chapter website to make sure information is up to date.
- Become familiar with all aspects of CISV and be an ambassador for CISV. Get to know as many CISV families as possible. Actively recruit new families to join CISV.
- Encourage and solicit financial support for programs hosted by the Chapter.
- Sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Practice confidentiality regarding sensitive issues.
President-Elect / Board of Directors
- Attend all Chapter board meetings and assist as needed. Preside over meetings of the board and executive committee when the president is absent.
- Exercise the powers and duties of the president in his/her absence or disability.
- Take every opportunity to learn about the president’s responsibilities in preparation for taking over the presidency upon completion of the president-elect term.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati.
- Attend your region’s Chapter Development Regional Workshop.
- Attend spring and fall general meetings, and assist as needed.
- Become familiar with all aspects of CISV and be an ambassador for CISV. Get to know as many CISV families as possible. Actively recruit new families to join CISV.
- Encourage and solicit financial support for programs hosted by the Chapter.
- Sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Practice confidentiality regarding sensitive issues.
- Maintain an appropriate level of communication with the membership via phone calls, emails, newsletter contributions, etc.
- Recruit and mentor prospective board members.
- Support board projects and events by attending, helping organize, etc.
- Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank you notes, notes of recognition, and sympathy cards.
Secretary / Board of Directors
- Attend all Chapter board meetings. Take attendance. Keep a full and complete record of all business and produce minutes following the meeting. Provide a sign-up sheet to determine meeting locations, and who is responsible for food and drinks at each meeting. Remind people of their commitment each month. Email or phone Board members each month to remind them of the board meeting, location and other information as requested by the president.
- E-mail minutes to board members prior to the next meeting. After minutes are approved by the board and signed by the president, give a signed copy to the treasurer. File one copy in your Chapter’s minutes notebook.
- Immediately following the National Meeting/CISV In Motion in October, email to the membership the list of programs for the following year.
- Maintain the board member database. Provide board members with email addresses, as needed, for distributing newsletters, communicating with the Junior Branch, etc.
- Maintain the membership database, if your Chapter does not have a database coordinator. In the fall, design and distribute a membership form for Chapter members to use in renewing membership. Record payment of dues on a spreadsheet, update the database, and send checks to the treasurer along with a list of members. Maintain a list of sponsors and donors for purposes of acknowledging them in the newsletter.
- Send out potential member letters throughout the year as requested. Update the database with new members, changes of address & phone numbers of current members, etc., throughout the year. Send a directory of Chapter members to new members.
- Attend spring and fall general meetings. Provide sign-in sheet for guests, name tags, membership forms, and brochures, along with information to acquaint the guest with CISV.
- As requested by the president, send out messages by email to the board list or the total membership list. Produce address labels as needed (e.g. labels for the families with children of the correct age for upcoming programs).
- The fundraising invitation chair position is NOT part of the formal job responsibility of the corresponding secretary. However, the corresponding secretary is a logical choice to fill this role, since he/she has access to the database for producing a mailing list and addresses. Consider hosting a mailing party for Chapter members willing to help address, stamp, and seal invitations. Deliver invitations to the post office. Maintain a list of those invited; mail additional invitations to those whom Chapter members identify as potential guests.
- Keep a record of board and member volunteer hours for the year.
- As requested, send condolences, sympathy cards, congratulations, etc. Notify the president.
- Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement for necessary expenditures. CISV is non-profit, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
Treasurer / Board of Directors
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati.
- Attend all Chapter board meetings. Present the Chapter’s financial report each month. The financial report shall consist of inflows/outflows, as well as balances of accounts. Make recommendations on investments of Chapter monies. Present details to the board for approval.
- Assist board members with understanding fees to be collected for each program. Prepare charts to explain.
- Make all deposits and expenditures as directed, according to the annual budget and Chapter guidelines.
- Prepare Reimbursement/Payment Request form and distribute to the board. Provide board and other members with Sales Tax Exemption Certificates.
- Serve on the budget and finance committee, preparing reports necessary to set budgets. Present the annual budget to the board for approval in January.
- Present all materials needed for CISV USA’s annual audit. Prepare required materials for submission on a quarterly basis.
- Assist with all financial activities of the Chapter – fundraisers, store, garage sales, etc. Provide financial expertise and advice. Make deposits, write checks, and arrange budgets for these activities, or delegate someone else to do so.
- Prepare and send acknowledgements of contributions for all Chapter activities, or delegate someone else to do so. Provide appropriate wording for these letters.
- Attend spring and fall general meetings, and assist as needed. Support board projects and events by attending, helping to organize, etc.
- CISV is a non-profit organization, so do not pay/reimburse state sales tax.
- When appropriate, send thank-you notes.
Vice President / Board of Directors
- Attend all Chapter board meetings and assist as needed.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati.
- Attend spring and fall general meetings, and assist as needed.
- Become familiar with all aspects of CISV and be an ambassador for CISV. Get to know as many CISV families as possible. Actively recruit new families to join CISV.
- Encourage and solicit financial support for programs your Chapter is hosting.
- Sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Practice confidentiality regarding sensitive issues.
- Recruit and mentor prospective board members.
- Support board projects and events by attending, helping organize, etc.
- Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank you notes, notes of recognition, and sympathy cards.
International People’s Project Chair / Programs
- Prepare a recruiting flyer with International People’s Project information for distribution, including your name and phone number.
- Contact all correct age candidates (19+) listed in your Chapter database.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati if possible.
- Attend all local Chapter meetings and board meetings.
- Refer applicants to the National IPP chair and assist with applications as needed.
- Debrief IPP participants and remind them to attend the next general Chapter meeting to share their experiences with others. Ask participants to write an article for the Chapter newsletter.
Junior Counselor Chair / Programs
- Prepare a recruiting flyer with Junior Counselor information. Put your name and phone number on the recruiting flyer.
- Have a signup sheet for interested Junior Counselor candidates at spring and fall meetings. You might have a flyer, poster, or PowerPoint with Village and JC pictures. Contact all correct age candidates who have traveled in the past, and others as identified. Send an email to your Chapter list asking for those members who are interested in JC spots for the upcoming year to contact you.
- Invite candidates to recruiting information meetings as scheduled by the Chapter. Attend these meetings to talk about the JC program and distribute applications.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati if possible. Attend all local Chapter and board meeting.
- Prepare application packets, with hard copies of or electronic links to the JC application and other materials as needed. Distribute these at recruiting information meetings.
- Receive applications and references. Make sure the applications are complete.
- Assist the mini-camp selection chair with his/her plans for the Chapter selection event. The event could include an overnight, a selection day, and/or individual interviews. Invite all JC applicants and Village leader and delegate applicants to attend. Help with arrangements for food and adequate adult supervision at the event.
- After the selection event(s), participate in the selection meeting. JC and leader candidates should stay for a period of time and share their assessments of the Village applicants. After JC and leader candidates are dismissed, work with the selection committee to make selection decisions.
- Send acceptance/alternate/decline letters to all JC candidates. Include fees and the dates of Local Leadership Training and National Leadership Training that they are required to attend. Provide information on the Village that they have been selected for, if available.
- The President may receive notice throughout the year of additional JC spots, so keep the applications of alternates. If additional JC invitations are received, work with the selection committee chair as necessary to set up a procedure for choosing JCs who have not participated in the play dates or mini-camp.
- Prepare a roster of all selected candidates. Collect information about and photos of selected candidates for a spring newsletter article. Pass on names of alternate/declined candidates to the corresponding secretary for inclusion in the Chapter membership database.
- Follow JCs in their preparations. Ensure that they make arrangements to attend Local and National Leadership Training. Collect and verify JCs’ Health and Legal forms. Pass completed forms to the Chapter Insurance chair, keeping one copy in your files. Keep a copy of each JC’s passport. Distribute pre-camps as they arrive, or check with JCs to ensure that they are receiving pre-camps directly from their Village’s staff. Encourage JCs to come to the spring and fall general Chapter meetings; introduce JCs at these meetings. After air travel is confirmed, keep a record of flight arrangements. (NOTE: Travel dates must be passed on to your Chapter insurance chair and president to ensure that participants are covered by the CISV USA Travel Insurance Services policy.) Each JC arranges his/her own travel and procures his/her own visa. If JCs’ parents plan to travel while their children are at their Village, consider requiring that parents provide information about their travel plans and how they can be reached while away from home on the Family Travel Form.
- On departure day, check with JC parents to see if their son/daughter departed on schedule and how he/she is doing. Upon their return, debrief the JCs; they will have evaluated their experience while still at Village. Remind them to attend Chapter general meetings to share their experiences with others. Have them prepare articles and photos for the Chapter newsletter.
- Seal all applications and references (belonging to accepted, alternate, and declined candidates) in an envelope and give them to the President at the end of the year.
- Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank you notes.
- Keep copies of flyers, letters, and other information in a binder or electronic file to pass on to future JC chairs.
Local Interchange Chair (LIC) / Programs
The Local Interchange Chair (LIC) is responsible for the following duties. If your Chapter has more than one Interchange per year, each of those Interchanges may have its own Delegation Coordinator who is responsible for its oversight.
- Refer to the LIC Survival Guide for detailed requirements. The LIC is required to attend a National Leadership Training session for LICs every three years. If the LIC does not remain in the position for a three year period, the newly appointed LIC must attend a National Leadership Training session for LICs in his/her first year.
- Receive matches from the National Interchange Chair.
- Contact Local Interchange Chairs in countries with which your Chapter is matched, to discuss age, dates, who hosts first, etc. After reaching agreement on these issues, complete and sign the on-line Interchange contract.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati if possible. Attend all local Chapter and board meetings.
- During the year, if your partner Chapter cancels or if progress in signing contracts is not being made, contact the National Interchange Chair to talk about replacement matches. Check with the President throughout the year to see if your Chapter needs additional Interchanges to meet the demand for this program. If so, follow the process in points 2 & 3 above.
- Ensure that a home visit of every Interchange family take place.
- If Interchanges need additional delegates, spearhead efforts to find new Interchange candidates. Search for likely Interchange families throughout the year.
- Stay in touch with Interchange Delegation Coordinators throughout the year to ensure that their Interchanges are running smoothly. Assist them with the task of pairing delegates, if asked.
- In spring, meet with the president to make Matchbox choices for the following year’s Interchanges. The Matchbox form is due on May 25 to the National Interchange Chair and CISV USA Executive Director.
- Ensure that Delegation Coordinators or other designated individuals conduct debriefings and evaluations of delegates, leaders and parents. Follow up on evaluations. Prepare a report for the NIC, and give a copy to the president, along with copies of evaluations.
- Participate in monthly conference calls with other LICs. These monthly calls are moderated by the NIC.
- Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank-you notes.
- Keep copies of flyers, letters, and other information from your year in a binder or electronic file to pass on to future LICs.
Seminar Camp Chair / Programs
- Prepare a recruiting flyer with Seminar Camp information. Put your name and phone number on the recruiting flyer.
- Have a signup sheet for interested Seminar Camp candidates at spring and fall meetings. You might have a flyer, poster, or PowerPoint with Seminar Camp pictures. Contact all correct age candidates who have traveled in the past, and others as identified. Send an email to your Chapter list asking for those members who are interested in Seminar Camp for the upcoming year to contact you.
- Invite candidates to recruiting information meetings as scheduled by the Chapter. Attend these meetings to talk about the Seminar Camp program and distribute applications.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati if possible. Attend all local Chapter and board meeting.
- Prepare application packets, with hard copies of or electronic links to the Seminar Camp application and other materials as needed. Distribute these at recruiting information meetings.
- Receive applications and references. Make sure the applications are complete.
- Assist the Selection chair with his/her plans for the Chapter interviews/selection event. Invite all Seminar Camp applicants to attend.
- After the interviews/selection event, select delegates.
- Send acceptance/alternate/decline letters or e-mails to all candidates. For selected candidates, include fees and the dates of Local Leadership Training and National Leadership Training that they are required to attend. Provide information on the Seminar Camp that they have been selected for, if available.
- The president may receive notice throughout the year of additional Seminar Camp spots, so keep the applications of alternates.
- Prepare a roster of all selected candidates. Collect information about and photos of selected candidates for a spring newsletter article. Pass on names of alternate/declined candidates to the Chapter secretary for inclusion in the Chapter membership database.
- Follow Seminar Campers in their preparations. Ensure that they make arrangements to attend Local and National Leadership Training. Collect and verify Seminar Campers’ Health and Legal forms. Pass completed forms to the Chapter insurance chair, keeping one copy in your files. Keep a copy of each Seminar Camper’s passport. Distribute pre-camps as they arrive, or check with Seminar Campers to ensure that they are receiving pre-camps directly from their Seminar Camp’s staff. Encourage Seminar Campers to come to the spring and fall general Chapter meetings; introduce Seminar Campers at these meetings. After air travel is confirmed, keep a record of flight arrangements. (NOTE: Travel dates must be passed on to your Chapter insurance chair and president to ensure that participants are covered by the CISV USA Travel Insurance Services policy.) Each Seminar Camper arranges his/her own travel and procures his/her own visa (if a visa is required). . If Seminar Campers’ parents plan to travel while their children are at their Seminar Camp, consider requiring that parents provide information about their travel plans and how they can be reached while away from home on the Family Travel Form.
- On departure day, check with Seminar Camp parents to see if their son/daughter departed on schedule and how he/she is doing. Upon their return, debrief the Seminar Campers; they will have evaluated their experience while still at their Seminar Camp. Remind them to attend Chapter general meetings to share their experiences with others. Have them prepare articles and photos for the Chapter newsletter.
- Seal all applications and references (belonging to accepted, alternate, and declined candidates) in an envelope and give them to the president at the end of the year.
- Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement for necessary expenditures. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank you notes.
- Keep copies of flyers, letters, and other information in a binder or electronic file to pass on to future Seminar Camp chairs.
Step Up Chair / Programs
- Prepare a recruiting flyer with Step Up information. Include your name and phone number
- Distribute the flyer at school recruiting meetings and others recruiting opportunities. Mail/email the flyer to all correct age candidates listed in your Chapter database, as well as others as identified.
- Have a signup sheet for interested Step Up candidates at the spring and fall meetings. You might have a flyer, poster board or PowerPoint with Step Up pictures. Contact all CISV families who have children of the appropriate age. Send an email to your Chapter list asking for those members who are interested in Step Up for the upcoming year to contact you.
- Invite candidates to recruiting information meetings as scheduled by the Chapter. Attend these meetings to talk about Step Up and distribute applications.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati if possible
- Attend all local Chapter and board meetings.
- Prepare applications packets with hard copies of or electronic links to the Step Up application and other materials as needed. Distribute these at recruiting information meetings.
- Receive applications and references. Make sure applications are complete.
- Select candidates. If there are many applicants, recruit a selection committee. Talk with the Chapter president about who should serve on the committee and keep it as small as possible.
- Send acceptance/alternate/decline letters or e-mails to all candidates. Include fees and dates for mandatory orientations/meetings. Prepare Step Up notebooks or folders for delegates and leaders with a roster, calendar, and information from the Step Up Guide, forms, deadlines, etc.
- The President may receive notice throughout the year of additional Step Up invitations, so keep the applications of those on your alternate list. If additional Step Up invitations are received, work with the selection committee chair as necessary to set up a procedure for choosing delegates who have not participated in play dates or mini-camp
- Prepare rosters, including information as directed by the President. Collect information and photos for spring newsletter article. Pass on names of declined/alternate candidates to the Chapter secretary for inclusion in the Chapter’s membership database for invitations to future information meetings.
- Follow delegations in their preparations. Collect and verify delegates’ and leaders’ Health and Legal forms. Pass completed forms to the Chapter Insurance chair, keeping one copy in your files. Keep a copy of each delegate’s and leader’s passport. Distribute pre-camps as they arrive, or check with leaders to ensure that they are receiving pre-camps directly from their Step Up’s staff. Encourage delegates and leaders to come to the spring and fall general Chapter meetings; introduce them at these meetings. After air travel is confirmed, keep a record of flight arrangements. (NOTE: Travel dates must be passed on to your Chapter insurance chair and president to ensure that participants are covered by the CISV USA Travel Insurance Services policy.) Make sure that delegations apply for visas when necessary. Ensure that delegates read and sign the Code of Conduct. If delegates’ parents plan to travel while their children are at their Step Up, consider requiring that parents provide information about their travel plans and how they can be reached while away from home on the Family Travel Form.
- Act as the communication liaison while the delegation is away. Have a clear communications policy, with you as the link between the leader and the parents. Contact parents with information immediately upon the delegation’s arrival, and then at least once a week.
- Debrief and conduct evaluations with leaders, delegates and parents. Remind leaders and delegates to attend the next general meeting to share their experiences with others. Ask the delegation to prepare an article and group picture for the Chapter newsletter.
- Seal all applications and references (belonging to accepted, alternate, and declined candidates) in an envelope and give them to the president at the end of the year.
- Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank you notes.
- Keep copies of flyers, letters, and other information in a binder or electronic file to pass on to future Step Up chairs.
Village Chair / Programs
- Prepare a recruiting flyer with Village information. Include your name and phone number on the recruiting sheet.
- Distribute the recruiting flyer at school recruiting meetings and other recruiting opportunities. Mail/email the recruiting flyer to all correct age candidates listed in your Chapter database, as well as others as identified.
- Have recruiting flyers for interested Village candidates at your Chapter’s fall meeting. You can also have a signup at the spring meeting to get an idea of interest in the Village program. You might have a flyer, poster, or PowerPoint with Village and JC pictures. Contact all CISV families who have children of the appropriate age, asking who might be interested in Village for the upcoming year.
- Attend all local Chapter and board meetings.
- Invite candidates to recruiting information meetings as scheduled by the Chapter. Attend these meetings to talk about Village and distribute applications.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati if possible.
- Prepare application packets, with hard copies of or electronic links to the Village application and other materials as needed. Distribute these at recruiting information meetings.
- Receive applications and references. Make sure applications are complete.
- Assist the mini-camp selection chair with his/her plans for the Chapter selection event. The event could include an overnight, a selection day, and/or individual interviews. Invite all JC applicants and Village leader and delegate applicants to attend. Help with arrangements for food and adequate adult supervision at the event.
- After the selection event(s), participate in the selection meeting. JC and leader candidates should stay for a period of time and share their assessments of the Village applicants. After JC and leader candidates are dismissed, work with the selection committee to make selection decisions.
- Send acceptance/alternate/decline letters or e-mails to all candidates. Include fees and dates of meetings that selected candidates must attend. Provide them with information about the Village that they have been selected for, if available.
- The president may receive notice throughout the year of additional Village invitations, so keep the applications of those on the alternate list. If additional Village invitations are received, work with the selection committee chair as necessary to set up a procedure for choosing delegates who have not participated in the play dates or mini-camp.
- Prepare a roster of all selected candidates. Collect information about and photos of selected candidates for a spring newsletter article. Pass on names of alternate/declined candidates to the Chapter secretary for inclusion in the Chapter membership database.
- Follow Village delegations in their preparations, including scrapbooks, gifts, National night costume, etc. Collect and verify their Health and Legal forms. Pass completed forms to the Chapter insurance chair, keeping one copy in your files. Keep a copy of each delegate’s and leader’s passport. Distribute pre-camps as they arrive, or check with leaders to ensure that they are receiving pre-camps directly from their Village’s staff. Encourage Village delegations to come to the spring and fall general Chapter meetings; introduce delegations at these meetings. After air travel is confirmed, keep a record of flight arrangements. Travel dates must be passed on to your Chapter Insurance chair and President to ensure that participants are covered by the CISV USA Travel Insurance Services policy. If delegates’ parents plan to travel while their children are at their Village, consider requiring that parents provide information about their travel plans and how they can be reached while away from home on the Family Travel Form.
- On departure day, check with Village delegation parents to see if the delegation departed on schedule and how they are doing. Upon their return, debrief the delegation; they will have evaluated their experience while still at Village. Remind them to attend Chapter general meetings to share their experiences with others. Have them prepare articles and photos for the Chapter newsletter.
- Seal all applications and references (belonging to accepted, alternate, and declined candidates) in an envelope and give them to the President at the end of the year.
- Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement for necessary expenditures. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank you notes.
- Keep copies of flyers, letters, and other information in a binder or electronic file to pass on to future Village chairs.
Youth Meeting Chair / Programs
- Prepare a recruiting flyer with Youth Meeting information. Include your name and phone number.
- Distribute the flyer at school recruiting meetings and others recruiting opportunities. Mail/email the flyer to all correct age candidates listed in your Chapter database, as well as others as identified.
- Have a signup sheet for interested Youth Meeting candidates at the spring and fall meetings. You might have a flyer, poster board or PowerPoint with Youth Meeting pictures. Contact all CISV families who have children of the appropriate age. Send an email to your Chapter list asking for those members who are interested in Youth Meeting for the upcoming year to contact you.
- Invite candidates to recruiting information meetings as scheduled by the Chapter. Attend these meetings to talk about Youth Meeting and distribute applications.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati if possible.
- Attend all local Chapter and board meetings.
- Prepare applications packets with hard copies of or electronic links to the Youth Meeting application and other materials as needed. Distribute these at recruiting information meetings.
- Receive applications and references. Make sure applications are complete.
- Select candidates. If there are many applicants, recruit a selection committee. Talk with the Chapter president about who should serve on the committee and keep it as small as possible.
- Send acceptance/alternate/decline letters or e-mails to all candidates. Include fees and dates for mandatory orientations/meetings. Prepare Youth Meeting notebooks or folders for delegates and leaders with a roster, calendar, and information from the Youth Meeting Guide, forms, deadlines, etc.
- The president may receive notice throughout the year of additional Youth Meeting invitations, so keep the applications of those on your alternate list. If additional Youth Meeting invitations are received, select delegates.
- Collect information about delegates and photos for a spring newsletter article. Pass on names of declined/alternate candidates to the Chapter secretary for inclusion in the Chapter’s membership database for invitations to future information meetings.
- Follow delegations/individual delegates in their preparations. Ensure that individual delegates (those age 16 and older) attend Local Leadership Training. Collect and verify delegates’ and leaders’ Health and Legal forms. Pass completed forms to the Chapter Insurance chair, keeping one copy in your files. Keep a copy of each delegate’s and leader’s passport. Distribute pre-camps as they arrive, or check with leaders/individual delegates to ensure that they are receiving pre-camps directly from their Youth Meeting’s staff. Encourage delegates and leaders to come to the spring and fall general Chapter meetings; introduce them at these meetings. After air travel is confirmed, keep a record of flight arrangements. (NOTE: Travel dates must be passed on to your Chapter insurance chair and president to ensure that participants are covered by the CISV USA Travel Insurance Services policy.) Make sure that delegations/individual delegates apply for visas when necessary. Ensure that delegates read and sign the Code of Conduct. If delegates’ parents plan to travel while their children are at their Youth Meeting, consider requiring that parents provide information about their travel plans and how they can be reached while away from home on the Family Travel Form.
- Act as the communication liaison while delegations are away. Have a clear communications policy with you as the link between leaders and parents. Contact parents with information immediately upon a delegation’s arrival, and then at least once a week.
- Debrief and conduct evaluations with leaders, delegates and parents. Remind leaders and delegates to attend the next general meeting to share their experiences with others. Ask the delegation to prepare an article and group picture for the Chapter newsletter.
- Seal all applications and references (belonging to accepted, alternate, and declined candidates) in an envelope and give them to the president at the end of the year.
- Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank you notes.
- Keep copies of flyers, letters, and other information in a binder or electronic file to pass on to future Youth Meeting chairs.
Community Service Liaison / Standing Committee
- In consultation with the president and board, arrange one to several events that involve the Chapter in community projects.
- Plan, publicize, and carry out the activity. Utilize other parts of CISV, such as Junior Branch, public relations, etc.
- Take photos for the Chapter newsletter. Write a report about the activity and send it to the National Mosaic Committee.
- Keep receipts and turn them in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank you notes.
Database Coordinator / Standing Committee
- Maintain the Chapter database.
- Obtain names and contact information of new applicants from the program recruiting chairs. Obtain information on new and renewing members from the membership chair. Enter new and updated information.
- Create and run queries as needed for the various committee chairs and board members.
- Provide mailing lists to committees as needed.
- Obtain information from all committees who solicit donations, and maintain a list of sponsors and donors for newsletter acknowledgment and future solicitation.
- Produce address labels as needed.
- Periodically, provide an updated database of Chapter participants’ contact information to the National Office.
Delegation Liaison – Mentor / Standing Committee
- Recruit delegation liaisons/mentors for each delegation/individual participant. Acting as a delegation liaison/mentor provides volunteers who have limited time an excellent opportunity to participate in CISV. Delegation liaisons/mentors share their own CISV experiences and assist others who are new to CISV. Delegation liaisons/mentors should have firsthand experience in the programs for which they are assisting. They offer support and assistance to delegates and their families in the preparation and travel phases.
- Work with the program chairs to ensure that the delegation liaisons/mentors receive accurate and consistent information specific to the programs.
- Develop talking points for the delegation liaisons/mentors to use when contacting the delegations or individual participants to whom they have been assigned: (see example below)
- Delegation liaisons/mentors can also be used to debrief returning participants. Work with the debriefing chair to train the delegation liaisons/mentors regarding the debriefing procedure and provide them with the appropriate debriefing forms.
Fundraising Chair / Standing Committee
- Discuss with the president various formats for fundraisers. For each fundraiser, choose a theme, style, date, and location.
- For each event, set a budget and recruit committees for various areas of responsibility. Consult past fundraising notes about themes and styles and successful and not-so-successful ideas and events. Involve as many Chapter members as possible. Delegate! Delegate! Delegate! Meet with committee heads on regular basis for planning events.
- Ask your insurance chair to obtain a Certificate of Insurance, if needed, for any location used for a fundraiser.
- Submit articles to newsletters announcing fundraisers, encouraging attendance, thanking donors, etc.
- Involve your treasurer in handling deposits and disbursements. Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- Send thank you notes to donors and others who have helped stage fundraisers. Consult with your treasurer about the proper wording for large underwriting gifts.
- Maintain a binder or electronic file that includes invitations, brochures, forms, photos of set-up, what worked and didn’t, financial records, etc. to pass on to the person who succeeds you as fundraising chair.
Fundraising Chair – Corporate, Grant Writing / Standing Committee
- Look for opportunities for your Chapter to apply for grants and additional contributions.
- Gather information and prepare applications. Consult with your president on any ideas to be pursued.
- Be open to all avenues of fundraising and make presentations to your board on any ideas or opportunities.
- Consult with other non-profits regularly to share information and learn of ideas or grants they may be pursuing.
- Work to raise CISV’s profile in the grant writing/fundraising community.
- When appropriate, send thank you notes.
Insurance Chair / Standing Committee
- Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the Insurance Guide, found on CISV Central under Documents. The Guide is updated regularly and provides a detailed description and/or set of instructions for every responsibility of the Chapter insurance chair.
- Notify the program chairs in February/October/January of the need to obtain a Health form and a Legal form from each participant. Forms can be downloaded from CISV Central,, and Full instructions on proper completion and distribution of the forms can be found in the Insurance Guide (Section 2). Program chairs should return all completed forms to you by May 1/November 1/February 1.
- Check every Health form and Legal form for completeness. If information is missing, contact participants to obtain it. When all forms are complete, make three copies of each form and then return the originals to the appropriate Program Chairs to be given to leaders (their own and their delegates’), JCs, Seminar Camp participants, and individual YM participants. Submit copies of each form to the National Office by the June 1 deadline, either electronically (by scanning and e-mailing) or on a CD. Instructions for correctly “bundling” the forms prior to sending them to the National Office can be found on CISV Central in the Insurance hub.
- Provide CISV Travel Insurance: How to Start or Make a Claim, the CISV Travel Insurance Starting a Claim flowchart, and the Notice of Travel Insurance For All Participants to every participant.
- Inform all participants of the CISV International Programme Basic Rules and the CISV USA Travel Policy, which prohibit travel other than directly to and from the program for Village, Step Up, Interchange, and YM delegations.
- Guide and assist your Chapter’s traveling participants, should they need to file claims under the CISV Universal Travel Insurance policy.
- Guide and assist the staffs of programs your Chapter hosts, should incoming participants need to file claims under the CISV Universal Travel Insurance policy.
- Keep receipts and turn them in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank-you notes.
- Pass on a binder or electronic file with notes, forms, suggestions, etc. to the person who succeeds you as insurance chair.
Local Leadership Training Chair / Standing Committee
- Train all delegation leaders; Junior Counselors; Seminar Camp participants; Youth Meeting participants who are 16 years of age or older; and planners, directors and staff of programs hosted by the Chapter. Provide training to the Chapter board and Junior Branch advisors and officers. Ensure that trainees are also registered for National Leader Training as required.
- Attend mandatory National training once every three years.
- Revise Chapter training materials according to updates from the National Leadership Training (NLT) committee. Materials frequently in need of updates include forms required of leaders, the Chapter’s Local Leadership Training (LLT) manual, and the Chapter’s LLT curriculum.
- Ensure that trainees have access to electronic or hard copies of the appropriate Program Guide.
- Maintain a Local Leadership Training binder or electronic file and pass it on to your successor.
- Train new local trainers as necessary to ensure that all required Local Leadership Training can take place prior to National Leadership Training.
- Participate in the selection of leaders, delegates, JCs, Seminar Camp participants, and individual YM participants,
- For any leadership training issue, act as the Chapter’s training liaison with the National Leadership Training committee. This applies to any concern or incident involving a leader, JC, staff member, director, or other trained participant that is reported to the National Leadership Training committee and copied to the appropriate program chair.
- Monitor the performance of leaders, staff members, directors, and JCs through National and International evaluations. Report and discuss problems/successes with appropriate members of the local Chapter board.
- Maintain a supervisory relationship with leaders to ensure that they are taking good care of their delegations. Answer any questions they may have. Maintain particularly close contact with any leader(s) who seem to need redirecting or careful monitoring.
- Ensure that debriefing is done with the leaders and participants within 30 days of their return from their programs.
- Familiarize yourself with the National Leadership Training curriculum and attend a National Leadership Training session when possible.
- Work with local program chairs to ensure that selected leaders/staff/JCs/delegates register on CISV Friends upon selection. Each participant must go to and register him/herself.
- Sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Practice confidentiality regarding sensitive issues.
Membership Chair / Standing Committee
- Work to maintain and increase Chapter membership with the help of a committee that focuses its efforts on supporting Chapter growth and development.
- Promote membership by asking families and individuals to support CISV local activities and events and pay annual membership dues.
- Chapter membership is defined in a variety of ways:
- Members complete an annual membership form
- Members pay annual dues
- Members support the Chapter with fundraising efforts
- Members volunteer with the Chapter in some manner
- Conduct an annual membership renewal drive with families of all past program participants, board members, and others. Work with the Junior Branch to facilitate the membership drive.
- Collect membership dues and membership forms from new families. Submit dues to the treasurer and membership forms to the database coordinator.
- Provide any updated membership information to the database coordinator.
- Work with the database coordinator to create a Chapter directory.
- Attend Chapter events throughout the year to encourage others to become members or to stay active and renew their membership.
- Attend local board meetings as needed and to keep apprised of Chapter events and activities.
Mosaic Chair / Standing Committee
- In consultation with the president and the board, arrange one or several events that involve the CISV community in a Mosaic activity. Mosaic is defined as follows: Mosaic is a continuous peace education process. It involves Chapter and local community members of all ages who want to nurture the CISV philosophy within their local community and personal lives. Local Chapters organize activities promoting cross-cultural understanding and peace education that draw upon local cultures, resources, and members. Networking with other organizations with common goals strengthens the Mosaic program.
- Plan, publicize, and carry out the activity. Utilize other parts of CISV, such as Junior Branch, your public relations committee, etc.
- Take photos of the activity for your Chapter newsletter.
- Write a brief report on the activity and send a copy to the National Mosaic chairperson.
- Keep receipts and turn them in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank you notes.
Newsletter Chair / Standing Committee
- As a rule, two to three newsletters are published: fall/winter, spring and/or summer.
- Set deadlines, publication schedule, and schedule of articles to be included. Publish this document and have it included with board notebooks at the beginning of the year.
- Attend board meetings and collect articles as scheduled for each issue. Make phone calls to remind board members of their responsibilities concerning articles and photos. Contact the president for additional articles. Circulate a pad of paper at board meetings to collect “people news” from board members.
- Create, edit, and publish the newsletter. It is a good idea to have it proofread by the president or other knowledgeable Chapter member before publishing.
- Publish the newsletter electronically if possible. When not possible, get mailing labels from the Chapter corresponding secretary. Label and mail the newsletters.
- Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- Maintain a binder or electronic file of notes, suggestions, improvements, etc. to pass on to the individual who succeeds you as newsletter chair.
Program Planner / Standing Committee
- Complete and send Part I and Part II of the program Charter Application, including a Letter of Intent from the site (if available) to the CISV USA National Office by April 1 and August 15 of the year preceding the program.
- Prepare and submit a program budget to the Chapter board for approval.
- Report periodically to the National program chair, providing updated information on the site, staff, plans, etc. Date changes must be communicated to the National program chair and the National Office immediately.
- Negotiate a site contract in cooperation with the president and risk manager. Send the contract to the National Office by December 1st of the year preceding the program.
- In conjunction with your Chapter insurance chair, apply for a Certificate of Insurance for the site. The Certificate of Insurance application is available on
- Send the International Staff/Leader Application Form to all staff applicants, including the director, whether those applicants are local Chapter members or from other nations or CISV USA Chapters. Three International Reference Forms (RF-MIL) are required for every applicant. Completed forms should be sent directly to the planner.
- After receiving and compiling all application forms and references, make recommendations to the Chapter board regarding selection. Notify all applicants of the board’s decision.
- If guest staff from another nation or CISV USA Chapter will be used, their National Association (in the case of International guest staff) or home Chapter (in the case of CISV USA guest staff) must give permission. The CISV USA National Office can assist with this process.
- Develop a Memo of Agreement in consultation with the director, staff and Chapter president.
- Submit the staff Google Notice of Selection forms by February 1st.
- Attend the National Leadership Training Workshop for CISV USA Program Planners in September of the year prior to hosting.
- Ensure that the director and all staff members attend Local Leadership Training and National Leadership Training for CISV USA Program Directors and Staff.
- Assist the director and staff in producing pre-camps. Send pre-camps to all invited National Associations by the deadlines set forth in the International Program Guides.
- Serve as the Chapter contact person, particularly if the director is from outside the Chapter.
- Work with the director in developing the program calendar.
- Organize the necessary planning subcommittees and assign responsibilities. Essential assignments include, but may not be limited to, the following:
- Chapter Crisis Management Team
- Site Preparation and Cleanup
- Homestays
- Hospitality (snacks during camp and pre-camp meals for staff)
- Kitchen Staff
- Food Donations and Menus
- Medical/Dental/Psychological Services
- First Aid (over-the-counter medications, thermometers, etc.; lockable cabinet(s) for all participant and program clinic medications)
- Safety, Security, and Risk Management
- Excursions
- Transportation
- Publicity
- Runners (to take care of errands for the staff)
- Laundry
- Special Events (Open Day)
- Supplies & Equipment
- Communication (electronic/phones/fax/walkie talkies on site)
- Donations (cash and in-kind gifts)
- Thank You Notes/Recognition
- Provide the director and staff with a list of the program planning committee members’ names, contact information, and specific roles.
- Provide the director and staff with a list of the members of the Chapter crisis management team and an emergency call chain.
- Ensure that every member of the program staff has his/her own copy of the CISV USA Crisis Protocol (distributed at National Leadership Training).
- Communicate regularly with each planning subcommittee and meet as necessary to ensure that assignments are completed on time.
- Encourage any local staff members to attend program planning meetings.
- Receive all required forms from the director and staff and send copies tothe National Office by the deadlines. Make sure that the current versions of the forms are used:
- Health Form
- Legal Form (AL)
- Background checks
- Driving records (for staff age 25 and older)
- Proof of $100,000 liability insurance
- Maintain the program procedure book for the Chapter’s future use.
- Send the completed Planner’s Final Report form to the National Office, the National program chair and the Chapter president by the deadline and attach a final budget and financial report.
- Collect all program files from the planning subcommittee chairs and the director and staff. Give these to the Chapter president along with the updated planner’s Procedure Book.
Public Relations / Standing Committee
- Following the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion in October, check with the president to see what new public relations materials have been distributed (print, video, etc.). Include any new pieces in press packets that you prepare for distribution to media.
- Keep a contact list of local publications and TV and radio stations.
- Attend board meetings to be aware of events that are happening in your Chapter. Create a schedule of events to send to the press and give a copy to the President.
- Send press releases to local publications with announcements of local events such as Mosaic, fundraising, and programs hosted by your Chapter. In particular, publicize those events with good photo opportunities, such as Village Open Days or Mosaic events. Refer all questions from the media to yourself or another designated spokesperson. Remind participants of this, so they are not faced with uncomfortable media questioning.
- Assist the president in presenting information about CISV to local community groups as needed.
- Be aware of articles published about CISV by local community groups.
- Keep receipts and turn them in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank-you notes.
- Maintain a binder or electronic file containing notes, suggestions for improvements, copies of flyers, letters, etc. to pass on to the individual who succeeds you as public relations chair.
Recruitment Chair / Standing Committee
- Prepare recruiting packets with information on all programs, including your name and contact information. Include the name and contact information for all program chairs as well. Make sure to include any updated materials (print, video, etc.) that may have been distributed at the National Conference/CISV In Motion in October.
- Distribute recruiting packets at school recruiting meetings and other recruiting opportunities. E-mail packets to all correct age candidates listed in the Chapter database, and others as identified.
- Coordinate recruiting meetings at targeted schools. Identify families that are associated with the targeted schools and work with them in scheduling meetings. Schedule meetings by November 1. Prepare a list to present at your Chapter’s October board meeting of the targeted schools. Ask board members and others to identify additional target schools.
- Contact all immediate past delegates’ parents and ask them to schedule a recruiting meeting in their schools prior to the December holiday break. Ask that they provide these dates to you by mid-November. Advise them that they will not have to run the meeting. The Chapter will provide a flyer to announce meetings and board members or others familiar with CISV to run the meeting. The parents’ role will be to schedule the meeting, encourage attendance, and bring along their child to answer questions, show pictures and trading items, etc.
- Prepare a master calendar of the recruiting meetings to present to the Chapter board at the November meeting. Assign a board member or past member to attend each meeting.
- Set up general recruiting information meetings at libraries, churches, or other facilities and publicize them to prospective applicants. Make sure that there are program chairs, past delegates, and knowledgeable families in attendance to speak about their experiences.
- Organize recruiting packets as needed for distribution both in hard copy and electronically. Packets should include information sheets on the Village, Junior Counselor, Step Up, Interchange, Seminar Camp, and Youth Meeting programs for which your Chapter is recruiting this year. Include recruiting sheets for leaders in the Village, Step Up, and Interchange recruiting packets. The leader recruiting sheets should include selection dates and times, since leaders are expected to participate in selection.
- Distribute recruiting information to all members via e-mail and the Chapter website.
- Prepare a brief outline for the recruiting information meetings (welcome, CISV background and history, etc.), and a list of the materials needed at each meeting. Provide materials to the families and the board member attending each recruiting meeting. Instruct the board member to provide a sign-in sheet at each recruiting meeting to get the names and addresses of attendees.
- Prepare a brief report at the completion of the recruiting meetings to outline changes or suggestions for the next chair. Prepare a notebook or electronic file of all materials to turn over to the next chair.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati, if possible.
- Attend all local Chapter and board meetings.
Risk Manager / Standing Committee
- Attend all National trainings for risk managers. Join the risk manager hub on CISV Central.
- The risk manager administers background checks after obtaining the completed and signed Background Check Questionnaire & Authorization Form from leaders/staff/homestay families/etc. OR the risk manager guides leaders/staff/homestay families/etc. through the background check process and collects the results. (NOTE: Edit according to your state and Chapter policies by choosing the correct one of the preceding.)
- Distribute the Background Check Questionnaire & Authorization Form early enough to enable you to obtain background checks by May 1st.
- Perform any additional background checks as required and communicate results with the president.
- Maintain an up-to-date list of drivers. Require each driver to submit proof that he/she has $100,000 in personal liability coverage annually. Conduct MVR checks on drivers annually. Submit the Proof of Insurance & MVR Check Log (available on CISV Central) to the National Office on July 1 of each year.
- Obtain Certificates of Insurance for any location that your Chapter uses for any event, as required.
- Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank-you notes.
- Maintain a binder or electronic file of notes, suggestions, ideas for improvements, forms, etc. to pass on to the individual succeeding you as risk manager.
Scholarship Chair / Standing Committee
- Prepare scholarship application forms and provide them to program chairs and the recruiting chair for inclusion in recruiting packets.
- Receive scholarship applications and review them with the scholarship committee. Make recommendations regarding scholarships. Communicate with applicants and families about scholarship amounts.
- Periodically review the Chapter scholarship guidelines.
- Be aware of CISV USA scholarship opportunities and advise the Chapter of such opportunities. If there are matching scholarships offered by CISV USA, apply for funds by the deadline.
- Attend Chapter events throughout the year to advertise scholarship opportunities and to encourage individuals to donate to the scholarship fund.
- Attend board meetings as needed and to keep apprised of Chapter events and activities.
Selection Chair – Leaders / Standing Committee
- Prepare a recruiting flyer for distribution to leader candidates, including your name and phone number.
- Distribute the flyer at school recruiting meetings and other recruiting opportunities. E-mail the flyer to correct age individuals listed in your Chapter database, and to others as identified.
- Have a signup sheet for interested leader candidates at the fall Chapter meeting. Contact other appropriate aged candidates through schools, referrals, and other recruiting opportunities. Involve program chairs and last year’s leaders in recruiting potential leaders. Use the list of the previous years’ alternate leaders. The leader selection chair is responsible for recruiting leaders for all programs, as well as staff for programs the Chapter hosts. Send an email to your Chapter email list, asking for anyone who is interested in leading or staffing in the upcoming year to contact you.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati, if possible. If you are aware of interested leader candidates prior to the National Conference, share that information with your Chapter president, since it could impact your Chapter’s selections in the Football Pool.
- Attend all local Chapter meetings and board meetings.
- Decide, in conjunction with the president, on supplemental application materials the Chapter wishes to use (if any), then distribute those supplemental materials, along with the International Staff/Leader Application Form, to all leader candidates. Distribute background check permission forms; a copy of Local and National Leadership training dates, locations, and schedules; and information about the Chapter’s selection event to all leader candidates.
- Receive applications and references and make sure they are complete.
- Arrange for interviews of leader applicants. Check all references. Involve your Chapter’s program chairs, president, and president-elect in the interview process. Make selections.
- Contact accepted leaders as quickly as possible. Notify candidates who were selected as alternates or not selected. Confirm accepted leaders’ availability for Local and National Leadership Training and the delegate selection event.
- Coordinate Local Leadership Training with the Junior Counselor and Seminar Camp program chairs as well as with the Local Leadership Training committee.
- Verify that leaders have registered for National Leadership Training. Provide leaders with reimbursement information.
- Give the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of selected leaders to the president and program chairs. Give the names and contact information of candidates who were not selected to the Chapter’s secretary for inclusion in the Chapter’s membership database.
- Work with your Chapter risk manager and/or insurance chair to ensure that background checks are completed, according to your state and Chapter policies. The risk manager may run the security checks after receiving permission forms from the applicants, or the risk manager may guide applicants through the process and collect the results.
- Provide each leader and JC with a copy of the appropriate program guide to take to Local and National Leadership Training.
- Check with program chairs to be sure they are communicating regularly with leaders.
- Pass on the leader applications and references to program chairs to be kept with the appropriate program’s files, for use if a leader applies again in subsequent years.
- Keep the applications and references of candidates who were selected as alternates and candidates who were not selected. Give them to your successor as leader selection chair.
- Keep receipts and turn them in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank-you notes.
- Keep copies of flyers, letters, and other information from your year in a binder or electronic file to pass on to future leader selection chairs.
Selection Chair – Participants / Standing Committee
- The selection chair is responsible for the format of the selection process. Typically, the selection process consists of play days with (ideally) an overnight or weekend mini-camp component. The selection chair determines the format in conjunction with the board.
- Set the dates, times and location for the play days or mini-camp. This information should be provided to the recruiting and program chairs so that it can be included in the recruiting materials and publicized. Work with the recruiting and program chairs to determine when applications are due and who will process them. Consider appointing a paperwork coordinator to receive applications and references and to follow up with any candidates whose applications are incomplete.
- In conjunction with the president, recruit a selection committee, which ideally will be made up of the selection chair him/herself, a former adult leader, a former JC, a parent of a former delegate, an “outside” (non-CISV) person, and the program chairs. Provide all committee members with the appropriate selection guidelines and forms.
- Appoint an interview coordinator to schedule interviews with all program applicants, parents of program applicants, and leader applicants. Provide the member of the selection committee with a list of selection interview questions.
- Coordinate the play days and/or mini-camp. Hold a meeting with leader applicants prior to play days or mini-camp to tell them what to expect during play days or mini-camps and to talk about the traits and characteristics successful program delegates typically exhibit. Previous leaders and JCs should be recruited to act as staff during the initial part of the play days or mini-camp. This will help to set the CISV foundation for leaders and children/youth who are new to CISV. During the course of the play days or mini-camp, leader and Junior Counselor applicants can run the activities.
- Chair the selection meeting and request input from the leader applicants about child and Junior Counselor applicants. The Junior Counselor applicants should be asked to provide input about the child applicants. The selection committee should fill out a selection form for each applicant. The selection committee makes final selections and gives its choices to the program chairs.
- In conjunction with the program chairs, contact all applicants to tell them whether they have been selected. It is recommended that this take place by telephone shortly after the play days or mini-camp. Keep a list of alternates in case additional invitations are received.
- In conjunction with the program chairs, send a welcome letter or e-mail to new delegates and leaders shortly after selection has taken place. This letter or e-mail should contain the following information:
- Names of the leader and delegates
- Dates and location for the program
- Program fees and payment deadlines
- Membership fees
- Volunteer requirements
- Scholarship information
- Dates of Local and National Leadership Training if applicable
- Dates of Chapter events
- Set up a procedure for filling additional invitations (it any should be received), including a process for selection of delegates who have not participated in play days or mini-camp.
- Send the list of selected leaders and delegates to the president.
- Prepare a brief report at the completion of selection to outline changes or suggestions for the next chair. Prepare a binder or electronic file of materials to turn over to the next selection chair.
- Attend all local Chapter and board meetings.
Store – Merchandise / Standing Committee
- Maintain and store your Chapter’s CISV item inventory. Maintain a system to track inventory and prices.
- Set up the Chapter store at fall and spring meetings. Display prices clearly. Sell merchandise. Turn money over to the treasurer for deposit.
- Prepare and send a traveling suitcase of Chapter items to the National Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati. Include a price sheet and price tags.
- Following the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion, check with the president to see what items other Chapters are selling. Decide what items the Chapter might want to add, if any. Research costs and design and present information to the board.
- Purchase new items as needed. Keep in mind that small trading items are generally in demand at the spring meeting.
- Attend board meetings so as to be aware of Chapter events. Consider having store items available at events and publish in the newsletter the fact that the store will be set up at the events. Offer ways for people to purchase items outside of events and advertise these ways in the newsletter. This is especially helpful in the early summer, just before participants depart.
- When your Chapter hosts a program, arrange for items to be available for sale at the program’s store.
- Keep receipts and turn them in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank-you notes.
- Maintain a binder or electronic file with notes, copies of flyers and other materials, and suggestions or ideas for improvements to pass on to the individual who succeeds you as chair.
Volunteer Coordinator / Standing Committee
- Coordinate activities of all Chapter volunteers.
- Attend all Chapter board and general meetings.
- Identify volunteers who have a particular interest in and/or skills for different tasks. Such information should be part of the Chapter database. When there is an undone/unfinished job or task, use your access to the Chapter database to find someone to take it on.
- Keep in touch with board members each month to find out about volunteer needs and opportunities.
- Work with program planners to determine volunteer opportunities while hosting and assist in finding volunteers for jobs.
- Put together awards that recognize volunteers as appropriate.
- Keep track of volunteer hours. Remind all volunteers on a quarterly basis to record their volunteer hours.
Webmaster / Standing Committee
- Maintain the Chapter website.
- Update the Chapter’s calendar of events on a regular basis. Publish announcements of upcoming events and activities.
- Post program opportunities and fees.
- Update the member section of the website.
- Upload the newsletter to the website.
- Post photographs of the year’s delegations and photographs from programs hosted by the Chapter.
Alumni Relations Representative / Special Committees
to be developed
Archives Chair / Special Committees
- Arrange to have photos taken at all Junior Branch, Mosaic, and fundraising events and activities; fall and spring meetings; and all programs hosted by the Chapter. Take photos of Board meetings. Aim for a photographic record of the year’s activities.
- Create a scrapbook of all newspaper articles, photographs, and other documents for each year. Present the scrapbook to the President at the end of the summer as a record of the year.
- Assist and advise the staff of all programs hosted by the Chapter with their scrapbooks.
- Keep receipts and turn them in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- When appropriate, send thank-you notes.
- Keep copies of flyers, letters, and other information in a binder or electronic file to pass on to future archives chairs.
Advisor / Junior Branch
Age-Group Representative 11-13, 14-16, 17-19, 20-25 / Junior Branch
An Age-Group Representative (AGR) serves a one-year term and must be the age of their represented age-group. AGRs are responsible for representing the concerns, interests, and ideas of Juniors their age to the Board.
Committee and Activity Chairs serve until their role is complete or until their replacement is found. Their responsibilities shall be determined by them working with the Board.
The Expanded Junior Branch Board shall be composed of both voting and non-voting members. Social Media Chair and Merchandise (aka Swag) Chair have one vote between them. Age Representatives, while valuable participants in discussion, do not have a vote. There shall be one Age Representative for each of the 11-13, 14-16, 17-19, and 20-25 age groups. If there are no interested Junior Branch members to fill these positions, the positions will remain open until an interested Junior Brancher is elected to the position. These members shall be invited to attend Board Meetings as appropriate.
Junior Local Junior Representative (JLJR or Jelly Jar) / Junior Branch
The Junior Local Junior Representative (Jelly Jar) must be at least 14 years old, assists the Local Junior Representative (LJR) in all the same duties, and assumes duties of LJR whenever the LJR is unavailable. The Jelly Jar shares all the responsibilities of the LJR and serves a one-year term. The Jelly Jar succeeds the LJR’s position at the end of the LJR’s term.
Liaison / Junior Branch
- Attend Chapter Board meetings as necessary to report on Junior Branch activities, in conjunction with Junior Branch Advisors. The LJR, JLJR, JB liaison, and JB Youth Representatives may rotate this responsibility.
- Meet regularly with Junior Branch Advisor. With their guidance, plan the yearly calendar. Publish the calendar and distribute to membership. Assist in the planning and execution of all events. Provide the Chapter President with advance copies of any printed materials.
- Provide information on events to the Chapter newsletter editor ahead of newsletter deadlines. Produce flyers or notices to publicize events. When emailing flyers, contact the corresponding secretary for email addresses.
- Work with the JB advisors and community service liaison in planning appropriate community service opportunities, fundraisers for communities-in-need, etc. Communicate with the Chapter President about these activities.
- Ensure that arrangements are made for food, drinks, tables, set-up, etc. before all activities and events. Alcoholic beverages and smoking are prohibited for all participants at all Junior Branch activities and events. Arrange for any supplies needed for any project being undertaken.
- In conjunction with JB Advisors, confirm event or activity location with the facilities manager in writing. Pay any rental fees. When necessary, arrange for a Certificate of Insurance, in conjunction with the Chapter Insurance Chair/Risk Manager.
- In conjunction with JB Advisors, ensure that all Junior Branch events and activities are appropriately chaperoned.
- Keep all receipts and turn them in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is non-profit, so always use the sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- Following events and activities, when appropriate, and in conjunction with the JB Advisors, send thank you notes to donors, facilities managers, etc.
- Work with other chairs in the Chapter, such as the community service liaison, Mosaic Chair, and Fundraising Chair to involve the Junior Branch in Chapter activities.
- Keep copies of flyers, letters, and other information in a binder or electronic file to pass on to future Junior Branch Liaisons.
Local Junior Representative (LJR formerly JB President) / Junior Branch
The Local Junior Representative (LJR) must be at least 15 years old, heads the Junior Branch and its Executive Board, runs elections, Board and General meetings, plays an integral role in the planning of meetings, and is responsible for delegation of tasks. The LJR – along with the Junior Branch Advisor – will sit on the Adult Board and attend Adult Board meetings. The LJR shall also work with the National Committee of Leadership Directors (NCLD) Southern Region.
The LJR shall attend CISV In Motion Conference (CIM) in October and Chapter Development (CD) Weekend in March. CISV USA reimburses one JB representative (LJR) for cost of transportation to CIM. CISV Atlanta shall reimburse the LJR for cost of registration/accommodation and Junior LJR (Jelly Jar) for cost of transportation and registration/accommodation.
If the LJR is unable to attend either CIM or CD Weekend, a proxy/representative will be secured. The first choice of proxy/representative shall be Jelly Jar. If the Jelly Jar is unable to attend, another member of the Executive Board shall.
Term for LJR is one year and LJR will be succeeded by the current Jelly Jar.
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati. Represent the Chapter in all conference activities. Share and acquire ideas and knowledge. Use what is learned at the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion to benefit your Chapter.
- Attend Chapter Board meetings as necessary to report on Junior Branch activities, in conjunction with Junior Branch Advisor. The Local Junior Representative, Junior Local Junior Representative, JB liaison, and JB youth representatives may rotate this responsibility.
- Meet regularly with Junior Branch advisors. With their guidance, plan the yearly calendar. Publish the calendar and distribute to membership. Assist in the planning and execution of all events. Provide the Chapter president with advance copies of any printed materials.
- Provide information on events to the Chapter newsletter editor ahead of newsletter deadlines. Produce flyers or notices to publicize events. When emailing flyers, contact the corresponding secretary for email addresses.
- Work with the JB Advisor and Community Service Liaison in planning appropriate community service opportunities, fundraisers for communities-in-need, etc. Communicate with the Chapter president about these activities.
- Following events and activities, when appropriate, and in conjunction with the JB Advisor, send thank you notes to donors, facilities managers, etc.
- Work with other chairs in the Chapter, such as the Community Service Liaison, Mosaic Chair, and Fundraising Chair to involve the Junior Branch in Chapter activities.
- Keep copies of flyers, letters, and other information in a binder or electronic file to pass on to future Local Junior Representatives.
Merchandise (Swag) Chair / Junior Branch
The Expanded Junior Branch Board shall be composed of both voting and non-voting members. Social Media Chair and Merchandise (aka Swag) Chair have one vote between them. Age Representatives, while valuable participants in discussion, do not have a vote. There shall be one Age Representative for each of the 11-13, 14-16, 17-19, and 20-25 age groups. If there are no interested Junior Branch members to fill these positions, the positions will remain open until an interested Junior Brancher is elected to the position. These members shall be invited to attend Board Meetings as appropriate.
Committee and Activity Chairs serve until their role is complete or until their replacement is found. Their responsibilities shall be determined by them working with the Board.
Secretary / Junior Branch
The Secretary must be at least 14 years old, is responsible for the organization of the Junior Branch and responsible for contact information, notes for meetings, and communications. The Secretary shall serve a one-year term with no term limits.
Social Media Chair / Junior Branch
The Expanded Junior Branch Board shall be composed of both voting and non-voting members. Social Media Chair and Merchandise (aka Swag) Chair have one vote between them. Age Representatives, while valuable participants in discussion, do not have a vote. There shall be one Age Representative for each of the 11-13, 14-16, 17-19, and 20-25 age groups. If there are no interested Junior Branch members to fill these positions, the positions will remain open until an interested Junior Brancher is elected to the position. These members shall be invited to attend Board Meetings as appropriate.
Committee and Activity Chairs serve until their role is complete or until their replacement is found. Their responsibilities shall be determined by them working with the Board.
Treasurer / Junior Branch
The Treasurer must be at least 14 years old, is responsible for all financial aspects of the JB, including the collection and management of dues. All money brought in by the JB must go through the Treasurer, and the Treasurer must handle all money being spent by the Junior Branch. Basic math skills are highly recommended. The Treasurer shall serve a one-year term with no term limits.
Youth Representative(s) / Junior Branch
- Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in Cincinnati, if possible. Represent the Chapter in all activities. Share and acquire ideas and knowledge. Use what is learned at the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion to benefit the Chapter.
- Attend Chapter board meetings as necessary to report on Junior Branch activities, in conjunction with Junior Branch Advisors. The JB president, JB liaison, and JB youth representatives may rotate this responsibility.
- Meet regularly with Junior Branch advisors. With their guidance, plan the yearly calendar. Publish the calendar and distribute to membership. Assist in the planning and execution of all events. Provide the Chapter President with advance copies of any printed materials.
- Provide information on events to the Chapter newsletter editor ahead of newsletter deadlines. Produce flyers or notices to publicize events. When emailing flyers, contact the corresponding secretary for email addresses.
- Work with the JB advisors and the community service liaison in planning appropriate community service opportunities, fundraisers for communities-in-need, etc. Communicate with the Chapter president about these activities.
- Ensure that arrangements are made for food, drinks, tables, set-up, etc. before all activities and events. Alcoholic beverages and smoking are prohibited for all participants at all Junior Branch activities and events. Arrange for any supplies needed for any project being undertaken.
- In conjunction with JB advisors, confirm event or activity location with the facilities manager in writing. Pay any rental fees. When necessary, arrange for a Certificate of Insurance, in conjunction with the Chapter insurance chair/risk manager.
- In conjunction with JB advisors, ensure that all Junior Branch events and activities are appropriately chaperoned.
- Keep all receipts and turn them in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit organization, so always use the sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes will be reimbursed.
- Following events and activities, when appropriate, and in conjunction with the JB advisors, send thank you notes to donors, facilities managers, etc.
- Work with other chairs in the Chapter, such as the community service liaison, Mosaic chair, and fundraising chair to involve the Junior Branch in Chapter activities.
- Keep copies of flyers, letters, and other information in a binder or electronic file to pass on to future JB youth representatives.